Monday, April 23, 2012

A Nice Day!

Wow, yesterday was so nice, almost 80 degrees, blue sky everywhere and my garden is screaming for attention!  I think we only get one day of this and we are in for mid sixties and cloudy for the next week, but clearly Spring is very near.  I have been doing my Spring Chores! and that means dump runs!
One load to the steel scrap yards, this time unloading scrap from my shop to their yard.  I didn't buy anything which is not usual for me.  Most often I unload my scrap and then pick up someone else's that I found more interesting!  The economy is so bad at the moment I can't make any more stuff from steel because I know I will never sell it.  Discouraging, for sure.
    The snow only a couple weeks ago took out a lot of branches from my trees so I made a trip to that recycling yard also.  What a great place that is!  Whatever you give them they grind it all up and sell it back to you as mulch.  Love it.  Then, with a little sadness I made a trip to the landfill, the "dump" where it is not recycled but added to the height of a mountain.  A mountain of trash.  One day we will find something to do with this stuff and it will be mined.  I hope.
    I bought and planted 36 "wave petunias", two to a pot and eighteen pots!   Most are elevated and placed on pedestals around the front entrance of my garden.  You have to walk through a wall of flowers to get to the garden itself.  I have trimmed my Trumpet Vine that covers the archway to my garden, so that will be beautiful should you ever visit me!  The garden itself is still too wet to turn the soil over and prepare it for vegetables but my tomatoes are waiting in the greenhouse enjoying the sun and warmth that comes through those windows.
   I am returning to "MyBook"!   Slowly and with a little different approach although still stuck on the same story.  Mostly because it is true and easy to remember.  You can find MyBook HERE. I am really after comments and considerations, criticisms and any ideas or surreptitious routes and suggestions!


SooZeQue said...

You can drop your scrap in AZ anytime! I'm sure there are some small things you could make with those scrap - who doesn't love garden art and I'm sure there are a few small shows you could do. I wish it was 60 here - today I was outside all day welding and it hit 101!

Autumn Leaves said...

Jerry you say so danged busy! I fear that if and when I ever take a vacation or "retire," I will find myself lying on the couch for many hours of each day and moving to the bed at night. I am that worn out and tired. You are an inspiration.