Friday, February 24, 2012

Chicken in Every Pot!

All right, I did watch the Republican Debate in Arizona.  I just needed a few days to go by in order to digest it without throwing up.  Clearly no one is worth a damn and the Republicans are scrambling, there is even talk of no one single candidate having enough delegates to win the convention.  They might throw all the bums out and pick someone new!

   I think it could be me!  Newt is promising $2.50 a gallon gasoline, like it is his and he can just reduce the price!  Mine will be $1.75.  That is right.  Vote for ME and I will sell you all the gas I own for a mere $1.75 a gallon!

   You can watch one of these debates and it doesn't take long to realize that there are problems in a Representative Democracy.  No one is really after what is best for the USA, it is all about Special Interest, like five fat guys on a committee to determine woman's rights!  I love it.

   I still think the best way would be everytime they vote for more money, say for the Olympics or that bridge to nowhere, they should just send us the bill.  Then we would really know what something cost.
There is a cost to everything.  We want to put pressure on Iran (think Persia!) to stop their nuclear efforts and they stop exporting oil.  Duh! Who didn't think of that?  As long as oil is the prize the world will be what it is.  We will fight for it and people will die for it.  More drilling won't help; it all gets sold to the highest bidder where ever it comes from.

   I think Santorum might be a great President of Iran or some other therocrocy where the religion of the day prevails and heretics are stoned to death or burnt at the stake.  I have a fear of people who think they are so right.  I wouldn't mind Ron Paul controlling the purse strings.  I think he might have every dime he has ever made.  But his isolatioism in this modern world is a little scary top me.  In think there are bad guys out there.

   The truth is I don't know whether things are getting better or not.  Everybody lies about everything,
that seems to be the only reality.  Obama says there "is no silver bullet" and I suspect he is telling the truth.  It is not what we want to  hear.  We want to be kissed on the forehead and tucked in at night and told all will be fine.  Deep down inside we really want cheap gasoline but I wonder what the cost would be?

   Maybe the Republicans couldn't come up with a better candidate because, well...they...are..
Republicans!  They are after a different time, a time in the past.  Yes, vote for me (and send me money!), I'll make it all perfect!


Kay said...

We can start a write-in campaign for you. I would love to see gas at $1.75 a gallon and I won't even ask whose tanks you are siphoning from. I just want the 5 fat guys in suits to go home and tell their wives what they have decided for their daughters and grand daughters..since they seem to want to be in the gynecologists exam rooms with them. Along with those perverts in Virginia. Of course I think if they and Santorum want to get in those exam rooms maybe they should spend a week following gynecologists around. Bet they change their tunes.
Where do they find these guys?

Jerry Carlin said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Kay, at least we could run a fun campaign! and THAT job? No, I wouldn't want it. It would destroy every fantacy I ever had! I have two daughters, the lawyer and the black belt in kick boxing:
my babies! But I don't argue with either one!

Autumn Leaves said...

What can I say Jer. You might not think much of the Republicans, but I don't think much of the Democrats. You have your reasons, I have mine. Vote for Obama? Never and not in a millions years.

I think we are so cross-hatched with self serving politicos that the only way to get through it is to clear them all out and start over. Yes indeed. Start over. Where on earth is Ben Franklin when you need him? A darned good dose of common sense is called for in this country.

Jerry Carlin said...

Sherry, I think what it boils down to is you must vote your interests!
Somehow living homeless in a car, being unemployed, lacking medical coverage,being near the bottom, I just do not see Republicans comming to my aid? I see them as the party of the wealthy. Raise MY taxes? Not until the 1% pay their fair share! I think I would vote for my next door neighbor from Guatamala before I could vote Republican. He understands working hard and getting less. He doesn't drive a Cadellac. Romney is too rich for me, enjoys firing people to increase his wealth, Santorom is too much too and would set women back 100 years. I might go for Ron Paul. at least I could save some money with that vote! but then it would be each man for himself, wouldn't it? What kind of society would that be?
I see Obama as the only one who has the middle class and those struggle to get into the middle class at heart. So far he is keeping us out of a huge war in the Middle East and that is a plus.
I guess I will just cancel your vote! That is what democracy is all about! But keep reading! Keep learning and try to understand what is going on.

Jerry Carlin said...

Sherry, I think what it boils down to is you must vote your interests!
Somehow living homeless in a car, being unemployed, lacking medical coverage,being near the bottom, I just do not see Republicans comming to my aid? I see them as the party of the wealthy. Raise MY taxes? Not until the 1% pay their fair share! I think I would vote for my next door neighbor from Guatamala before I could vote Republican. He understands working hard and getting less. He doesn't drive a Cadellac. Romney is too rich for me, enjoys firing people to increase his wealth, Santorom is too much too and would set women back 100 years. I might go for Ron Paul. at least I could save some money with that vote! but then it would be each man for himself, wouldn't it? What kind of society would that be?
I see Obama as the only one who has the middle class and those struggle to get into the middle class at heart. So far he is keeping us out of a huge war in the Middle East and that is a plus.
I guess I will just cancel your vote! That is what democracy is all about! But keep reading! Keep learning and try to understand what is going on.

SooZeQue said...

Ok I don't talk politics and these guys were right down the street. Glad I didn't go.. their all a bunch of BAFOONES (spelled wrong - same meaning!).

Autumn Leaves said...

Being homeless, unemployed and living in my car...been there. Can't say Obama came to my aid either Jer. Not only could we not get unemployment, we could not get medical coverage (and I'm an honorably discharged veteran), we could not get help with housing, nothing. Nope. It was my friends and borrowing from family that helped us through. Thank God for friends like you though, Jer. I love your big heart.

Jerry Carlin said...

Sherry, I concede! The Democrats are
not perfect by a long shot!