Saturday, September 25, 2010

Being an Artist?

For me, "being an artist" is the desire to create something that has never been done before. I could take my skills and work in a factory repetatively making the same things and make more money but I wouldn't be happy doing it. These copper panels are five feet tall and two feet wide and became the main features in an Entry Gate for a local winery. I dreamed about this first and then found the job to apply it to. My next ambition is to make a working water fall within an Entry Gate! Wouldn't that be fun!


Barbra Joan said...

Jerry, at the risk of sounding repetitive, your work is outstanding. At the moment I'm sitting in a University classroom (my closest friend is a Professor) and I have access to this computer.. catching up on my blogs while waiting for her to finish. Your panels are five ft. just my height... except they're beautiful.!!! lol!

Jerry Carlin said...

Ah, you are beautiful too Barbra Joan! glad you got your computer up and running again!