Sunday, September 25, 2011

The American 'allergy' to global warming: Why? EarthLink - International News

The American 'allergy' to global warming: Why? EarthLink - International News

It is not a question of "Belief". Come on, it's Sunday, read this! Jerry


Constance Stanza Extravaganza Extraordinaire said...

I've read it and it states very succinctly what is a frightening reality. However, most people will continue to put their heads under their bedclothes and refuse to recognise what is happening because it doesn't feel comfortable or fit into their mindset compartments!

Make sure that your fishing kit works properly, your tomato seeds are safely packed, your passport is current and prepare to come here soon.

Timaree said...

The last thing I heard was Brett Hume on Fox News Sunday say that Obama needs to face the fact that green energy is so unimportant we should scrap going for it in this economy. What? I couldn't believe what I heard. We need MORE, not less green energy but of course, we can just sit back and let China take over on this just as they are building the bridge in San Francisco rather than let U.S. workers do it. Sometimes I am just flabbergasted!