Monday, August 6, 2012


are in order! ...and, Sherry, it is not your fault for not knowing about this. I'll explain my thinking there in a minute.
    Over 2,000 pounds, a nuclear powered robotic rover has landed on Mars.  Stand up proud folks, we did it!  It is more difficult than sending up an Earth based rocket and landing on a dime.  It is the modern version of the Pyramids or the Great Wall of China, something pretty phenomenal created by Man and "Made in the USA"!  No other country could have done this and several have tried. Mars is a harsh teacher.  10:31 PM Pacific Time and what was on television?
   Reruns of 2 and 1/2 Men!, maybe the news about the crazy man killer in Milwaukee and the typical crap that is normally on television!  What a terrific educational opportunity lost!  I could watch pictures taken by the Hubble Telescope all day long.  You want poetry, adventure, mystery and violence, you won't get better than that!  The television stations could have thrown in some history of the Space Program, a reminder that we began this mission in second place, losing to a Russian dog!  They could have run programs touting the civilian benefits of the Space Program but chose not to.
   It wasn't "luck" that we did this.  It was ten years in the making and the final victory of an eight month voyage and two and a  half billion dollars spent!  They could have educated us and instead gave us reruns on television!  That is sad.
   The guy in Milwaukee or that orange hair theater killer should have been back page news, two paragraphs at most.  Add up television time at over a half million dollars a minute, add up court costs, time and money and energy.  Why do we focus on such b.s. when there are wonderful things, amazing discoveries, incredible achievements to dream about?
   Made in the USA!  We did it.  We should be proud.


Barbra Joan said...

Yes Jerry, that's what I"M talking about..! No pride in America or our accomplishments. Haven't you noticed that it has gone down the toilet in the past few years?
The Olympics ? have you noticed the gray uniforms? where the hell is the Red , White and Blue?
NBC chose to show the soccor team of some other countries, rather than the USA ... WHAT ??? It is happeneing so slowly, bit , by bit that most of you don't even notice it... Good God, what does it take to wake, and shake some people. ??
HMMMMM??????? BJ
And you wonder why I'm so pissed off?

Jerry Carlin said...

It is all fixable if we want to fix it, and pretty simple at that. Buy American. It is easier than you might think with Internet shopping and,so far, a good way to avoid local sales tax too! Although Oregon doesn't have a sales tax!!! Mars! Can you believe it? whoopie!

Barbra Joan said...

I know there are things said here you didn't want to hear, but I'm sick and tired of the downturn of this country...
You know why no one knew about the Mars thing? Because they CBS , NBC, ABC didn't say much if anything at all?.
Do you know where I heard about it .. many times??? You got it ! Fox news! Wake up people and smell the coffee before it's too late.
Buy American! not that simple any more, that's one answer, the other is get rid of this administration ,we're in the toilet and it's about to be flushed...once that happens we go right into the ocean with Europe and the rest of the garbage. Why is it so hard to see what is happeneing ..oh so slowly but happening nonetheless. .. BJ

Jerry Carlin said...

Barbra, calm down and try to remember how we got to where we are? Eight years of Republican Rule under Bush the lessor almost put us into bankruptcy! I don't want more of that! and Fox? They were running reruns of 2 and 1/2 Men when the Mars Curiosity landed!!! You may argue but get your "facts" straight! and "Buy American" is as simple as it gets! We are just too damned lazy!

Barbra Joan said...

I'm not talking Fox where they run sitcoms...
I'm talking Fox News Channel.Cable news Jerry. get your facts straight. B

Barbra Joan said...

GEEZ , THIS IS WHY I never want to talk politics with you Jerry..
It's you who is not SEEING!
and the reason I keep coming back on here I have no idea , because niether of us are going to see it the other way... You are so smart in other ways. YES buy American ... but the rest of your thinking? Can't you see that it isn't even Obama running it so much as its who is behind him?
Wake up!! no not coming back.. thank you.....

Autumn Leaves said...

I love Barbra Joan.

Barbra Joan said...
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