Thursday, December 9, 2010

Pick a number, any number...

I paint on just about anything except canvas. I don't have any canvas. My shop is a metal shop and my first choice would be copper. I love what paint does on metal. It is not absorbed, won't stay where you put it and has a will of its own. It wants to become something. When I run out of copper sheets my next choice would be stainless steel. It never rusts allowing me to put the paintings outside and it has a sheen of its own adding an element to the painting.
This time of year I like to paint on kitchen foil, what this "3"
is painted on. The depth is in the material already and I use these paintings to wrap my Christmas presents. Yeah, if you unwrap a present properly with a bit of eagerness the paint will flake off. It is still a pretty package under the tree.


Barbra Joan said...

Jerry, this is so unusual , I just saw it now but had to tell you.. I can just imagine how pretty it looks under the tree. and you said you 'have no style' so what is this? I've never seen anything like it before.. You HAVE style .. and its 'one of a kind' bj

Rama Ananth said...

What a wonderful idea,I am going to try it on my kitchen foil, and wrap some present for this Christmas, and give it to someone.

Maundering mutterer said...

I've noticed the marvelous sheen on your work. You do things your own way, but it would be SUCH a shame to damage your beautiful wrappings!

^ said...

Beautiful, and a wonderful idea. Although I second what Mm said what a shame to open the presents and damage your wonderful work.