Monday, October 4, 2010

10,000 RPM

Here is one more, an early one where I tried to direct the tools to do what I wanted. The grinders turn at 10,000

Revolutions per Minute so one second is a lot of grinding.

You get an idea of what you want to do and then you have very little time to implement your ideas. This is "quick art"
you get about two minutes to say what you have to say. Then you bring out the torch because without the heat there is really nothing there. 10-15 seconds for the earth tones, a little longer when you want it darker, but 30 seconds will bring out the blues and quickly with a little more heat these will turn to the red tones. The really bright white and silver coloring is from grinding after it has been torched. What is fun about this process is you never really know what it will be until you are finished.

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